Contribute to the BathNats Lockdown Log

While field trips are suspended do share any sightings of interest within the BathNats area. Use the contact form and if you have any photos to share ask on the form for a direct email link to submit them.

Lucy Starling writes: On 17 March while walking Woolley Lane on the way back towards Charlcombe Lane late morning, a Buzzard glided quite low over the hedge between Crossleaze Farm and Twinfield Farm, (GR 755677) where there are old, dead oak trees in the sloping field. I heard a bird alarm call coming from one of the dead oaks as the raptor flew over the field. It was that of a Little Owl. Not heard or seen one locally for probably some 20/25 years. I returned to the site on Friday, but again, failed to locate the bird; will try another time in April. It may well have been tucked away in a hole on the side of the tree not visible from the lane.

St Catherine’s Court and Valley, 23 March 2021 © Lucy Starling

On 23 March I walked from home and up the St Catherine’s Valley via the lane from Northend to St Catherine’s Court and returned via the footpath running close to St Catherine’s Brook and back to the bottom of Steway Lane.

3 Chiffchaff heard singing, 2 Treecreeper calling/singing, a few Goldcrest and a variety of tit species. Ravens and Buzzards seen and heard, Great Spotted Woodpecker drumming and Green Woodpecker “yaffling”.

A few finches, including Chaffinch and Greenfinch and, finally, a group of 5 Siskin. I have been searching for this species locally for the last three months! I am now on 77 species on foot from home/in or over the garden in Bathwick since 23 March 2020. Best sighting yesterday, a low flying Red Kite near Old House Farm area (GR 784688), possibly had descended from Charmy Down area. Noticed a flowering plant in the hedgerow along the lane just beyond St Catherine’s Court and looked this up at home – Butterbur.

Red kite, Claverton Down, 26 March 2021 © David Hall

Siskin male, Bath, 14 March 2021 © David Hall

Butterbur 23 March 2021 © Lucy Starling